To make a speech that is funny, you are encouraged to read wedding toast examples which can give you clues of how jokes and humor are added. The examples to read must have humor so specify the kind of wedding speeches to search. They are found in different websites and blogs that feature wedding speeches and toasts.
You can also research a list of funny wedding quotes and jokes. Wedding toast quotes can be very helpful. This allows you to adopt one of the best and really funny quotes for wedding speeches. If you are able to make an original one that would be very great.
Quotes and jokes are not the only ones to add in a wedding toast. You may also share some funny stories that happened. As long as they do not humiliate anyone, funny stories are excellent ingredients of a speech.
Aside from researching online, getting recommendations from friends is another thing you may consider. Some people are born to be naturally funny and give laughable jokes. Others are not funny and comedians who may end up giving in an awkward way. You may not be a really funny person but if you know somebody who can give you nice jokes it is not a bad idea .

One thing to remember when sharing a funny wedding toast and speech during a wedding celebration is to know the limitation. You must not give anything that can offend anybody. The audience consists of different types and ages of people. There will be children so never give any dirty or adult jokes. You have to keep your humor as clean and friendly as possible.
It is also imperative to limit the jokes or funny stories you are going to share. The wedding toast is not to fully entertain the audience. It is a message that connotes love, support and care to the couple. You are expected to give interesting pieces of advice too. Regardless of your relation to the bride or to the groom, make your speech and toast heartfelt. Jokes and funny stories may be remembered but the heart of the speech is useless without sentiments.
Before you start writing your wedding toast and speech, there are some questions you need to answer. Some of the questions are regarded as guideline. Are my jokes appropriate for the occasion and the type of audience who would listen to them? Would I really make the listeners laugh through the jokes and funny stories I’ll share? Do I share wedding jokes and quotes that are not very common? It is very important to ask these questions and answer them yourself because they can help you evaluate the humor you are adding to the speech.
For the best samples of speeches and toasts that can help you write a wedding toast, Wedding Speeches For All is recommended. You must check out its websites where you can find excellent samples of jokes and speeches as well as articles for more tips. There are good examples for father of the groom speech, mother of the groom speech, maid of honor speech and best man speech.