Wedding speech and toast is very familiar and common to everyone who has attended a wedding. You have probably heard some of the best speeches and toasts already. It is also possible that you have imagined yourself standing on a stage or before a big crowd one day. Yet, the time is about to come in real life once you are chosen to be the maid of honor or the best man, or one of the parents whose child is going to marry. Whichever the case is, it’s time for you to shine and make your own beautiful wedding speech for the sake of the happy couple. You know very well just how challenging it is but also how rewarding it can be too. In short, do not feel stressful or worried yet but be excited about it.
A wedding is a very special, formal event that has to be memorable. Every person to speak at a wedding reception or even during the rehearsal dinner has to contribute in making the event very successful and memorable. As a matter of fact, the giving of speeches is one of the most exciting and most awaited moments in any kind of wedding. If you are asking to make a wedding speech, be sure that you make an appropriate one. It means that you know the right words to say, the kind of tone, the mood style and the humor for your wedding speech and toast.
You should know how important it is to avoid affecting anyone’s feeling but to give a positive outcome. If you are the bridesmaid or the best man, the mother of the groom, or the father of the bride, it is always essential to speak nicely. You are chosen to be a part of this memorable wedding because you are a close friend or a dearly beloved relative of the couple. They deserve to hear nice words and positive testimonies from someone they care for, trust and love.

One of the things that can possibly ruin the speech at a wedding is the humor. The funny words and punch lines to use should be very appropriate. The humor you are going to share must be good to listen to by all ages of people. There will be children, teens and adults who may be conservative, liberal, republican, democrats, etc. too. The point here is that you must be able to come up with something that can make people laugh and smile no matter what ages they have. Your wedding speech and toast must be consisted of hilarity, sentiment and love.
You cannot just give genuine and sincere words in order to please the newlyweds or appear to be a very loyal friend to them in front of their guests. You also have to ensure the entire crowd is going to be very pleased and happy listening to you. Basically, you have two goals when making a speech and those are to inspire the newlyweds and stimulate the attendees. Always, remember that the wedding day is one of the couple’s happiest moments. You are assigned to entertain everyone and just make them feel comfortable even if it takes you only a few minutes to do that.
Tips and guidelines are prerequisites in preparing a wedding speech and toast. It will be your first time so those are pretty much needful. You need to do learn and study things before you can say you are confident enough to stand up and share your first every speech. Make sure that you have the basic knowledge of writing and delivering a wedding speech.